Ideas & Goals
Behind cocoon
There was an idea. An idea blooming upon the souls of a bunch of young artists from India and Bangladesh. An idea to come together and create a platform for aspiring visual artists all around the globe. The idea took the shape of a beautiful Cocoon.
Since the dawn of human civilization from cave paintings, to the modern era’s moving images visual media has always been an extremely powerful means of communication but somewhere it gets drowned in this sea of clichés. We want to experience and learn from your stories that were written on the surface of your lens or canvases.
We welcome art enthusiasts from different fields to reveal their views on different aspects through their articles. These ideas will raise questions and make us rethink the traditional understanding of art.
Cocoon also wants to listen to the wisdom, experience and inspiring words from the mouth of renowned contemporary masters. Besides this one of our agendas is to bring forward the lost voices around the globe. We believe these sessions will encourage young art enthusiasts.
Run and managed by some friends from India and Bangladesh. Cocoon Art Magazine (CAM) is a platform for resonating voices that matter. Cocoon provides you with an open space to present your thoughts through photographs, paintings, journals and much more.
We hope CAM to be a fruitful artistic experience for you.