Submit Your Work

Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your works to Cocoon Art Magazine

1.  Upload as Image format .jpg (2000 pixels longer side with no compression (Image size must not exceed 2 MB)

2. No border or watermark

3. Rename all files with your Full Name along with your project name

       Example: ‘cam_your name_work title_01’

4. Write up for the work, short bio and profile photo of yours.  Make 2 different folders;


    b.Profile Image & Doc files (Write up, Bio & contact details)

5. Zip all the files & rename them (‘cam_your name_work title’) and upload it.

6.  We will contact you if your work is selected.

Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your works to Cocoon Art Magazine

1 . Try to Scan your painting or art work or at least capture good quality image.  

2.  Upload as Image format .jpg (2000 pixels longer side with no compression (Image size must not exceed 2 MB)

3. No border or watermark

4.  kindly mention, the medium and size of your work.

5. Rename all files with your Full Name along with your project name

       Example: ‘cam_your name_work title_01’

6. Write up for the work, short bio and profile photo of yours.  Make 2 different folders;

    a. Paintings

    b. Profile Image & Doc files (Write up, Bio & contact details)

7. Zip all the files & rename them (‘cam_your name_work title’) and upload it.

8. We will contact you if your work is selected.

Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your works to Cocoon Art Magazine

1. Choose a specific Topic on any art field (Photography, Film, Painting etc.)

2. Document should be in editable format

3. Do not forget to mention the references

4. Make two folder

       a.  Journal

       b. Your bio, contact details & one formal photo of yours

7.  Zip all the files & rename them (‘cam_your name_work title’) and upload it.

8. We will contact you if your work is selected.

                                 Cocoon Spotlight Submission

Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your artworks to Cocoon Art Magazine

1.  Upload size must not exceed 2 MB

2. No border or watermark

3. For Multiple files kindly Zip/Rar them and upload it.

4.  We will contact you if your work is selected.



Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your works to Cocoon Art Magazine

1.  Upload as Image format .jpg (2000 pixels longer side with no compression (Image size must not exceed 2 MB)

2. No border or watermark

3. Rename all files with your Full Name along with your project name

       Example: ‘cam_your name_work title_01’

4. Write up for the work, short bio and profile photo of yours.  Make 2 different folders;


    b.Profile Image & Doc files (Write up, Bio & contact details)

5. Zip all the files & rename them (‘cam_your name_work title’) and upload it.

6.  We will contact you if your work is selected.

Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your works to Cocoon Art Magazine

1 . Try to Scan your painting or art work or at least capture good quality image.  

2.  Upload as Image format .jpg (2000 pixels longer side with no compression (Image size must not exceed 2 MB)

3. No border or watermark

4.  kindly mention, the medium and size of your work.

5. Rename all files with your Full Name along with your project name

       Example: ‘cam_your name_work title_01’

6. Write up for the work, short bio and profile photo of yours.  Make 2 different folders;

    a. Paintings

    b. Profile Image & Doc files (Write up, Bio & contact details)

7. Zip all the files & rename them (‘cam_your name_work title’) and upload it.

8. We will contact you if your work is selected.

Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your works to Cocoon Art Magazine

1. Choose a specific Topic on any art field (Photography, Film, Painting etc.)

2. Document should be in editable format

3. Do not forget to mention the references

4. Make two folder

       a.  Journal

       b. Your bio, contact details & one formal photo of yours

7.  Zip all the files & rename them (‘cam_your name_work title’) and upload it.

8. We will contact you if your work is selected.

Cocoon Spotlight Submission


Kindly follow the mentioned procedure to submit your artworks to Cocoon Art Magazine

1.  Upload size must not exceed 2 MB

2. No border or watermark

3. For Multiple files kindly Zip/Rar them and upload it.

4.  We will contact you if your work is selected.